Basic Algebra Equations and Basic Algebra Word Problems, For Beginners

Basic Algebra Equations and Basic Algebra Word Problems, For Beginners

Basic Algebra Equations is like 2 apples plus 3 oranges plus 4 apples equal to 6 apples plus 3 oranges. Apples and oranges are variables for basic algebra equation in here. Variables is stands for vary and ables, it's means able to become vary, could be x , y, z, apples, oranges etc. Basic Algebra Equation may contains expand equation from it's original equation, example: 2 baskets of 3 apples and 4 oranges for each basket. So become 6 apples and 8 oranges in total. Same equation with 2 ( 3x + 4y) = 6 x + 8y.

Basic Algebra is just simple operations are like addition, substraction, multiplication or division with variables and constans involved in mathematics or in daily life.     

Basic Algebra word problem is like "John has 3 baskets of 2 candies and 4 chocolates, how many candies and chocolates which John has?" Basic Algebra word problem here could be solve with expansion 3(2 candies + 4 chocolates) = 6 candies + 12 chocolates. 

basic algebra equations

Another Basic Algebra word problem is like "Maryam has 7 bags of 3 iphones and 2 laptops, how many iphones and laptops which Maryam has?" Basic Algebra word problem here could be solve with expansion 7(3 iphones + 2 laptops) = 21 iphones + 14 laptops. 

Another Basic Algebra equation is like 6x + 9y = 3(2x+3y) because 6x and 9y have common factor, e.g 3. So 3 could be put out of bracket here.

Another Basic Algebra equation is like 10m+ 15n = 5(2m+3n) because 10m and 15n have common factor, e.g 5. So 5 could be put out of bracket here.

Another Basic Algebra word problem is like "A house has 20 rooms, for each room has 1 table, 2 chairs, 2 beds. How many tables, chairs and beds does this house has in total?

Answer of this  Basic Algebra equations is 20 ( table + 2 chairs + 2 beds) = 20 tables + 40 chairs + 40 beds in total.

Another Basic Algebra equation is like  9 ( p + 2q - r ) - 3 ( p - q + 3r  ) = 9p + 18q - 9r - 3p + 3q - 9r, Simplifying  Basic Algebra expression to become 6p + 21q - 18r .

Another Basic Algebra equation is like  7m ( x + 2p - r ) - 2m ( x - p + 3r  ) = 7mx + 14mp - 7mr - 2mx + 2mp - 6mr, Simplifying  Basic Algebra expression to become 5mx + 16mp - 13mr .

Other Basic Algebra equations is like 3 US dollars + 5 Rupees +10 US dollar -1 Rupee = 13 US dollar + 4 Rupees

Basic Algebra could be found in our daily life, with Basic Algebra examples above. I hope this Basic Algebra article will help you to understand about Basic Algebra in daily life.

Another Basic Algebra example is "Miranda just bought 3 apples with prices 6 US dollars in total. How much price 1 apple is?"

 Basic Algebra equations in animation video below:


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